Summit 9 - Summer 2018

They’re not even trying and destroying everybody

DJ making some amazing plays. His CM actually a higher net worth than RTZ at 10 minutes.

lmao fnatic is just killing themselves wtf

DJ is hands down the best player on Fnatic and I really hope he plays NA with Universe next season.

how’s envy just buy back when his team is all dead, tp in, and expect to do anything other than die???

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I can totally tell the poison EE is inflicting by telling everyone to hold back/be cautious as EG just 4 man dives for a kill

Then EE changes his mind and remnants into Sumail while the rest of Fnatic has already died/disengaged lmao

idk maybe its just EE being EE but that’s so frustrating to have a shotcaller who is chickenshit until the very LAST second of opportunity to engage and make a play happen

cr1t shaker is the notable hero of the tournament :sunny:

id say its duster phoenix

wish they showed more grant and less kyle

most notable hero of the tournament is definitely DJ WR/SD imo


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