The Dissonance of Jones

once you come to the view that
A) there are completely fake jobs largely in the legal, compliance, and now even the technical areas
B) the government creates fake demand for them via regulation, grants, threat of legal action.
C) they continually inflate the currency and give it to mega banks where it then somehow makes it into the hands of zombie corporations who pay these people to effectively be royalty.

there's no going back.

Basically what I've been saying all along. In all honesty America is not too different from Egypt economically.

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Yes, we're all suffering. There's never been a worse time than now.


Literally move to Georgia

Yes extremely redpilled and based posting going on but here’s the thing you can move to Tbilisi, pay $300 a month for a 600 sqft 1 bedroom apartment, and do just enough work to make like 2k a month and live better than you do in America. America is literally third world status at this point, people have been saying it’s going to be like Brazil but it’s actually already like Brazil inside any city in the US and the rural parts of it you just forfeit your standard of living to get away from roving robbery gangs. Georgia is poorer economically but in reality what does that even mean? There’s not a base of consumers buying the new iPhone 13 or an upper middle class financing their year model 3 series so they can feel well off?

I’m telling you, just move to Tbilisi, rent a cheap apartment and go be autistic there, or anywhere outside of the US really that isnt south of the equator and completely fucked by globohomo shit, keep in mind the government of Georgia currently is pro Russian so western influence is pretty non existent there right now

I’m going to try and move there in June but the shit I do in healthcare is difficult to do with that big if a time zone difference

it's only really bad if it just continues to be gay. if it's fake and gay for another 10-15 years it'll be unbearable.

but if it turns into something like

you will know you have entered basedworld.

the only thing I would ever want to purchase is like a barret mrad or something.

I saw some video of some artful tasteful tour of some NGOcomplex in Ukraine, filled to the brim with well dressed attractive women, and then there were synced shots of what it looked like now, a complete bombed out mess, and I knew then and there God still existed in the world.


Georgia is like devoid of serious western influence because the Russians pump money into political parties that are pro Russian, the actual people of Georgia hate Russians as a people to the point I saw graffiti on the city walls saying “no Russian is welcome good or bad” but that’s because of the 2008 invasion. But the 2008 invasion actually keeps western influence out because there’s two big Russian military bases like 10km away from Tbilisi and they could just roll over the country in day since they only have 3.5 million people

Last major politician that was pro west ended up becoming indicted for corruption or some shit and hid in Ukraine then he returned back and got arrested and is sitting in jail rn

Is 10 years too much for you? Most great men had no problem waiting lifetimes for their nation. The men in this very video, I assure you, waited a lot more than 10 years in Yugoslavia.
I know we talked about this before privately, but I still can't fathom why you are so impatient.

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getting shot at is heckin based lmty

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It's the romaticization of radical change, radical to the extent that it can only be brought on by something like a civil war. Bosnia is Alabama, and the US is Yugoslavia.

it's a fantasy. not much romance in scrounging for food and water while hoping you have enough cash to slip in your passport to bribe the next checkpoint


Yes but it's heckin based and giga chad.



Any update on that initial chart

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I'm about to read the OP of this thread for the first time when I get home, wish me luck


I fear this user "Jones" is still in need of help that they are not receiving. I believe perhaps exploring a conservatorship is in order to force them to take the medication(s) they so clearly desperately need.