The International 2022 - Live Discussion

you would be correct!

kinda bullshit when she grabs you from half an africa away but a fun hero overall

Losing to betboom is sad

why is tiny picked as a support aren't the lanes trash?

He is a very strong lane support with the tree grab ability and toss.
The tree gives him long attack range and damage.

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clockwork is better.

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i was going to say seems like there are a lot of melee supports in lanes these days. which is kind of cool they were very limited back in the day


Personally I think Drow Ranger would be an excellent supporter. Multi-MOBA fans such as myself and @Osiris will recognize Ashe from League of Legends being played as a support, not only as a fad but throughout all seasons of Professional Gameplay

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cum in my ass

arteezy game starting now boys

first blood
arteezy sf double kill.


tankbuild fiend.


teamwipe for arteezy


Looks like it's going to be another victory for the EG Broodmother. Incredible metagaming.

another classic safelane for the boys.
i love arteezy so much.


yesterdays lineup performed quite well!

here is todays lineup!

pro tip: many silver cards are better than gold ones if they have the right stat roll

for cores you want kills #1 by FAR, with towers/roshans taken as a distant #2 and #3

for supports it's all about wards placed and camps stacked, nothing else really matters, stuns is okay

have fun!

I'm going with a golden Bryle instead of a golden Nisha today, thoughts? his stats are slightly better.