The International 2022 - Live Discussion

Tundra is winning TI


just got 212 fantasy points which is higher than people who had the #1 highest fantasy score for like 5/6 of the days so far

secret/tundra had some crazy games tho so we'll see what the top scores are

If Dota is a scam anything like the NFL. Secret gonna win cuz of muh Ukraine and Poland anti Ruski shize

my mans has a purple ponytail

is it ariana grande the goys love? i get these clowns who need 13 writers for their songs mixed up

@Tywin you watchin tonight?

His hair changes are a sign of a serious mental problem.

Gunna be asleep but im tivoing it

Puppey might get on the trophy twice.

i sure love hearing siractionslacks scream into a microphone :slight_smile:

haha! he's so quirky and funny! he makes silly voices really loudly!!! he runs around like an 8 year old!!!! its too good

@theodore wanna watch ti with me in discord?

lemme dm u my discord

@KrazyKat u can come too

if u behave u can come too

actually... anyone can really come if they want. just no goys bc i don't want my discord nuked

Gay shit flys in this town even though I only want pussy lmfao

Shits crazyyyty

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