The International 2022 - Live Discussion

And Aui2000 winner as coach.

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If she is allergic to hay maybe she shouldn't have rabbits that only eat (mostly eat) hay...

I'm not crazy I'M NOT CRAZY! I knew damage reduction is broken. I knew wraith pact was broken. That using it was cheating. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never- Never! I just. I just couldn't prove it. They covered their tracks, got that porn star to take the heat off them. You thing this is bad? This? This dishonesty? They've done worse. That double damage! Are you telling me it just happens to spawn like that? No! They orchestrated. The API Key! TI was murdered. And I participated in it! And I shouldn't have. I carried to grand finals with my own hands! What was I thinking? They'll never change. They'll never change! Ever since the patch, always the same! Couldn't get their cocks out of the zoo! Or that thot! But not Crystallis! Couldn't naga. Choking in my finals! And HE gets to be carry? What a sick joke! I should've broken him when I had the chance!

dropped one of the top scores in the entire world in fantasy

99.6% percentile


i got a 212.57 and the top score in the world was 225.33

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time for the post TI shuffle aka the best time of the year

honestly this is dope as fuck

world series
nba is on
nhl is on
nfl is on
TI has been on in the evenings and night
now its shuffle time

all in like the same week a brother finna nut

and its muh fuckin HALLOWEEN

the greatest dota 2 team of all time now has a TI winner on it

Who won the namafia bracket?

not sure, probably me? I picked Tundra/Liquid for the finals and had Tundra winning

U gotta score it all up and make a badge for the community

okay i'll do that, how do I make a badge?

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U just choose the image and then @SOPHIE to do it, preferably with the message saying who gets which badge

Look here:

Bottom of the page. That's what we did for artifact


I guess it needs:

Description (short)
Description (Long)
Who should hold


I was pretty sure you can make them as a mod too

If the button to add them is on the "Badges" page that I linked I don't see it

Oh it is admin panel. Another one added to the backlog