The International 2023 - Live Discussion

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the hell happened


After eg won ti, I believe the players got shares in EG. They tried to gypsy Sumail out of his shit saying him playing for anotehr org was null of contract. I think its mostly o do with keeping his share of EG and them not wanting him to have it

When they sold EG (went from player-owned to owned by some org) he got common shares instead of preferred (common trick to screw someone when giving out shares of a company). All the other players got preferred.

And he had some contract that prevented him from going to another team, which, when he did so, he got a pay bump so there could be some argument they were underpaying him. Somebody said something about he started at 20k a month and then was getting only 2k.

Idk. It sounds like he signed the contract (so it's questionable he has a case) but we also know he was a dumb kid in a new country and probably got taken advantage of, so they are betting a jury will take their side.

I'm rooting for him for sure. Even though he insulted me from GrandGrant's account on the old NADota

woah wtf

if he knowingly agreed to take difft shares he doesnt have a case

this could range from EG taking advantage of him in a gross way to him knowingly (or even asking for) signing a contract with difft terms, and thinks he can just go back and get some extra money and kick the org while its down

idk im inclined to believe sumail over any corporation

That's essentially the core of the case - since he signed the contract, from a legal perspective he "knowingly agreed" - but he most likely wasn't in a position to actually understand that, so they need a jury to feel that he was misled or taken advantage of when signing that contract.

Btw everything I'm saying here is from reading the reddit thread on this, just a disclaimer on the source/limit of my knowledge

Thank you for the disclaimer fellow redditor

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that's wild but probably applicable to a fair extent (fair as in definitely worthy of trying for)

peak6 who installed jameson as the ceo. im not sure if they're involved in sumail getting shorted but there's a whole slew of other garbage her and her cronies oversaw at eg during their tenure including riot investigating them for player mistreatment

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I think that sums it up.