i'm not a mod
you really misunderstand the purpose of this thread but if it makes you really sad i will not continue to catalogue the posts
keep doing it. dont let jdance control u with his sad face pictures he sends.... he isn't even actually sad
idk what this is
we just need to keep this thread near the top of latest and nature will handle the rest
he has terminal blizzard brain jdance
jdance cant help but post if he sees a thread active
well its like the equivalent of going into a room with nobody in it and talking to myself
of course im going into the room where there are a group of people conversing
im not a crazy person
Osiris just told me that he wants you to send him pictures in his DM's
thou shalt not lie
wanna see five nights at freddies w me today
no idk what that is
is it actually a good horror movie or is it just clown face emoji bozos and jump scares?
it looks average but bideo game movies were 1/10s garbagio for so long that when a 5 or 6/10 come out people overrate them massively
idk what it is but all the young 20s at my work are seeing it
my plan is to see it with teddy and then pretend i havent seen it and "guess" the plot every 3 minutes to make myself look like a genius