Trains? Planes? Automobiles? Signup (Goy Rejected)

you're a good poster just sensitive

no one is leaving because nmagane

probably a byproduct of talking to jones the most sensitive person ive met on the internet

go and talk to him on ts and collaborate on how to respond

In da​n's words: I can only turn the other cheek so many times.
I wouldn't call myself sensitive necessarily - I just don't like when people in positions of power act like this, it's the most cowardly thing anyone can do.
I don't know if you realize how it feels to have everything you say or think be immediately dismissed as "trolling", I can handle it way better than the average person.

He's been asleep for the last 3 hours. We don't collaborate on much - in fact if it wasn't clear from our history here; Jones and I disagree on most things.

you right i should calm down

Imagine if D​an decided to change your mafia game's OP because the Japanese clans and Shinobi roles were too confusing.

pre game i wouldnt care mid game sure i would

anyone can cannibalize my setup and call it anything there's no patent lmao

Similarly to how when he changed Jones's thread title and owner to be a thread about my game development; he has no inhibition in regards to modifying other peoples work, be it literary or artistic.
It indicates a lack of respect towards his users period.

Look at this thread's title for the clearest example. He literally has no idea what the setup is called, he asked for it to be linked like 3 times, and he just looked at the last word in the thread title to get the name ("trains" in PassionForTrains, Benny's old forum name).
He's only hosting this setup because it was popular for reasons he doesn't even know or care about.
Zero respect.

The game has been fully signed for the last 3 days or something, but he doesn't care.
He's on the forum every day, posting in every thread (to improve SEO analytics), but "doesn't have the time" to start the game?
I really think he just couldn't care less about mafia dude. It's no wonder he gets lynched day 1 every single game as well.

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offering to host a setup is confirmation enough

he had 16 hours

actually not sure but from when he said roles out

if it's a someone else's custom setup idk when you can fire

The game had 12 signs on August 5th, 3 days ago.

nmagane would probably be the dankest host with 20/7 uptime and super dank rules

I have hosted many successful games on the old NADotA forum. Jones and I were working on a very innovative setup too earlier today (separate from the dethy variant), but it was cancelled due to Jones having to step away from the site (moderation issue).
