Trains? Planes? Automobiles? Signup (Goy Rejected)

You can unsign if you have performance anxiety, but you will not be eligible for the 50 euro prize pool.

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Jones is going to post his role pm anyway, you're blatantly cheating every game. So what's even the point? Why are you even allowed in these games?

Nobody is cheating or posting their role PMs. We already told you this and you refuse to believe it for no reason and with no evidence.
You are fantasizing a bit too much here, no point in carrying this discussion further as you are firmly stuck in your delusions.

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Delusions? hmmmm.... Delusion.... I gues... You're right.

Grow up and man up. Me playing better than all three of your team combined last game didn't mean I cheated.

Wait for mafia maniac to sign and then go


Reminder that snitching on cheaters is Based and Red pilled. I will gladly reward good faith whistle blowers, maybe with a really big Name.

The only cheating that happened last game is Osiris ending the game prematurely resulting in an unfair mafia victory.

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Jones was part of the game as the official broadcaster and interactions with him are completely within the tournament rules.

I admit it: I watched Jones' stream (and so did everyone else in the game)

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I did not. I didn think it'd be fair

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It's like being an idiot in an advanced class and copying off the genius to my left

It's part of the game. There's a reason it was posted in the game thread.

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Of course, that's why I didn't complain. I don't care about the 50 gyros as much as I do trying to be right on my own

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Glad it's all made clear then, ironic how the only people who actually complained were scum hahahahaha.

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That's not true, Benny complained. Although it's obvious that its not super genuine lol

Benny didn't complain about jones, he praised him; what do you mean? I was just talking about jones if that wasn't clear.

I'm honestly just happy that toprak had a fun and rewarding game. The rest is irrelevant to me

The Insom discussion