Trains? Planes? Automobiles? Signup (Goy Rejected)

Theres a huge problem. The next rooftop course is unlocked with a quest i cant do

Guess im staying here


Let's start. These guys are taking too long

Are you a tileman?

We only have 11 players.

Phone in box. Pomodoro clock set to 30 minutes. Its study time

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I'm not starting until tomorrow night at the earliest

Insom BTFO's the asyutcel and the leprachuncel and promptly declines the prize


woah thats dope, can you link me the buy page for that

@KrazyKat sign this game.

Gonna read the setup again first.

Ok. It's actually a very standard setup (Seer/Swapper/Vigilante/Janitor) with modified names.

@mafiabot unsign

Good riddance. Nobody wanted to play with yet another generic Nadota bitter whiner anyways.

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Go back to This is Namafia and if you don't like it you can cry about it.

Toprak: The Mafia Virtue Signaller
The Mafia Libtard

would prefer a normal theme game as opposed to "Signals'

say a game with mafia "shoplifters", vanilla town "grocery store employees", alignment checker "loss prevention", etc.