Trains? Planes? Automobiles? Signup (Goy Rejected)

My teachers kinda ruined Spanish for me but it's been fun. Watching Simpsons has been pretty horrible for it though. Everything's just English with more syllables over original video so they have to speak stupid fast sometimes. Homers voice is impossible escuchar

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will probably have to learn spanish for work over the winter. unfortunate.

ojos y pollo

there's a special quality about spanish that makes whoever speaks it, understands it, whatever seem to be inherently low class and uncultured.

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It's a language of the people you philistine

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Watch this video (which was somehow promoted (but not designated as an advertisement?) on my youtube queue:

no matter what these people do, this will always be a bunch of currycels. There is nothing that can be done.

I feel the same way about Spanish.

It's the language of the "Global South" and they are definitely not people.

No, we are not people. Just weird fringe alien versions

Another benefit of LARPing to overthrow the government: the massively inflated populations of the Global South will immediately enter a malthusian crisis and be reduced to "responsible" levels via the deprivation of "aid".

Es una lengua performetiva y hermosa, o Al menos mucha Hermosas que Ingles (estados unidos version)

Yeah I mean who do you think caused a good portion of that

Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

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@mafiabot slist

Signed Players



Thanks mafiabot

Where cobbrak

Its his turn to help another goy in the "broadcast booth"

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What happens in the booth stays in the booth :kissahomie:

I look forward to a toprak stream actually. Do you think he could steal a tie from K-mart in advance of the day 1 breakdown? It's just that it's kind of a big event with money on the line


Normally I am not this picky about things but I want to make sure the mafia community is well represented in the first (official) game of the tournament