tried to kill the pain But only brought more (so much more) I lay dying And I'm pouring crimson regret and betrayal I'm dying, praying, bleeding and screaming Am I too lost to be saved? Am I too lost?

alternatively you can apply for the new open moderator position

He's a good man.

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no doubt no doubt

@Kischie's idea of a good life: Alienate your friends, grow bitter and angry when they don't want to spend time with you, then spend your few remaining days alone playing wc3 until you have to get a job - or worse, go back to school. Then die and go to hell.

My idea of a good life: Spend time with friends, do not be picky about what to do with them because at the end of the day it doesn't matter if you're at a bar or watching a movie or playing dota - it's the fact that you're together is what matters. As long as they're happy, I'm happy. Spend my long life free and faithful, go to heaven.


Jones' idea of a good life: Programming code toys for the next 20 years to prove that he's a special snowflake, that dropping out of highschool and college was actually fine dad it doesn't matter.

All Trolls go to Heaven

Get out of my fucking thread

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You two are cute lol



100 IQ: I'm a Special Snowflake. I hate my life in Turkey! I hate this city! I want to move!

135 IQ: Egypt is the greatest country on Earth. I love my life and my city. I will never leave.

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All of these threads are so confusing.

Either give all of the goy club members their own accounts, or ban them all.

It's only me on my account, and only toprak on his account lol
Only two people on two accounts

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Got a job offer today.

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After discussing the offer with my close friends (J and C), I have decided to turn it down.


Relocation+Transport costs would be 50% of the salary (salary is 430 usd per month). Plus the fact that it's an indie game studio with 0 chance of success, run by a guy the same age as me with a business degree and a million dollars to waste.

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