Trump vs Harris debate September 10

Trump sounds like he is telling a children's story at the start of this video

So many people have been asking what happened, tell us what happened, please. And therefore I will tell you exactly what happened and you will never hear it from me a second time because it's actually too painful to tell.

It was a warm, beautiful day in the early evening in Butler township in the great commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Music was loudly playing and the campaign was doing really well. I went to the stage and the crowd was cheering wildly, everybody was happy. I began speaking very strongly, powerfully, and happily

It's been documented before how he changed his speech for campaigning to use only very simple words and avoid anything longer than 2 syllables

In this case he really sounds like he's speaking to children. They love it

prolific yapper

i was enjoying this for a moment and then he started goin theatrical

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fuck trump its time for the bidenreich

cant wait for joes third term!!!!

Obama saying you should step down? Fuck that noise. 4 more years and 4 more years and 4 more years

someone make him a golden throne like the emperor in 40k

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@big_ass i watched like 2/3rds of trumps RNC speech

still wouldnt votw for him but he seemed about as human as i’ve seen, less scary

hes prolly gonna win

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i hope getting almost killed scared and humbled him and be drops the super violent rhetoric from now on

like Trump during the summer of BLM was scary and unhinged (stand by proudboys etc)

typical vaccinated canadian bowing to authority fuck boi

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Trump was the authority then LOL wdym

:dancing_women: :dancer: :dancing_women: :man_dancing:

plasmas last few braincells having a party

trump was freedom

nothing says freedom like cracking down on protests and black bagging organisers with federal troops

like how does an authoritarian represent freedom? can you explain that in more than 3 words?

can you tell me how trying to overturn an election is freeeom

a fixed election kek