Trump vs Harris debate September 10


what does Trump have to do with truckers

this guy is drunk

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maybe you define freedom as rioting and destruction of property and refusing to allow emergency services into certain areas but that just sounds like the opposite of what i want to live around

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please send the federal troops to scoop up more of these useless human beings that make it their life goal to travel around the country from one protest to another

remember when women were doing this shit on social media


absolutely insane shit

that was not the avg protest, literally thousands of them

and the ones that went outta control was usually people overreacting when the police got rough

lol if you wanna act like every protest was like the CHAZ go aheas

im too tired to argue rn

pretty much all the protests in most major cities devolved into rioting for at least one or two days. we've been over this before, the definition of "thousands of protests" includes a small town in maine who had 20 college kids show up at a park in their town of 5,000 population. Anyone who lived in a major city in the US during that time will tell you there were riots and they are referred to as the BLM riots in common language in LA to this day

not condoning the CHAZ that was whack

also you were in LA right? you guys had some of the roughest looting incidents so i get why u feel that way

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every major city is a stretch

remember when the buffalo polic chief knelt with the protestors and then there was no rioting??? many such cases

im not even counting small towns in maine

yall have a lot of medium sized cities (that typically went fine)

also you can find fault w/ BLM and still admit he was using fascist language

yes I was in LA and I was actually there in person when the first protest around melrose and the beverly center devolved into a riot and I was there again the next day in santa monica when it devolved into rioting there too. I have videos of people looting still.

There was a complete lack of police presence most of the time, the first day I went they had some riot police mainly there to contain it to around 25-50 city blocks as they just put a perimeter up and let people loot the beverly center and the grove pretty much freely. The police did not instigate rioting as much as lefties love to claim, they were actually relatively restrained and just let people break shit and loot. What was actually going on was there was a big march up san vicente and down melrose and people were breaking off from the large group marching to break windows into stores and loot. What was funny was if you weren't black people from the crowd would yell "youre not even black!! you shouldnt be looting you aint black!!"


“they’ll face someyhing something and wild dogs” making a slave catcher analogy

yeah i believe you im sure it was surreal and crazy

it was just dumb the entire thing was dumb and they broke a lot of shit and burned a lot of buildings down. people were driving up all around from south central to go loot because they did these protests in nice areas, which by the way they literally talked about openly doing on social media because they knew it would turn into a looting spree. People openly said "fuck that we aint doing that in our neighborhoods lets go where the white people live"

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i believe you i just dont accept that every major city had it that bad