Trump vs Harris debate September 10

actually i think montreal rioted a bit but our BLMs were waaaay more chill lol

They also called in the national guard by like day 3 and we had soldiers in humvees in pretty much every major intersection in LA at the time

like the first few days after he dies? yeah that was thr worst time by far

i probably am referring to ones from later in the summer

yeah i remember seeing those, seemed to actually work pretty well

Army guys > american police

later in the summer are just whatever i don't care im sure those were peaceful because it had mostly died out by then. the ones that attracted huge crowds and crazy riots were at the beginning. The rest were just whatever I don't even know why they were protesting past that

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yeah i was def referring to some of the later ones, like up to +2 months after

yeah bro 2 months afterwards who cares about those lmao the ones people remember were the ones at the start of it which pretty much universally devolved into riots all around the same time around the country

i remember some guy defending his store with a bow and arrow in houston i think


bro i remember driving around LA and dudes who owned liquor stores were just standing out front with rifles and like 2-3 friends also armed with rifles

the police just kind of let people do whatever they wanted for a brief period of time

spot any rooftop Koreans?

no like I said this time they just went into the white areas, maybe they were out there but koreatown was east of where I lived at the time, I lived in west adams in south LA

what was funny was when I went back home to where I lived at the time (predominantly black area) on the first night of the riots it was just normal down there just with a ton of people in line at jack in the box and popeyes, probably coming back from looting and just hungry as shit


anyways that whole blm shit was wack, bunch of weak ass women following trends, george floyd is not some hero or saint the dude robbed women at gunpoint and was a drug addict, yeah the cops were rough with the guy but whatever, i don't think it justified 2 billion dollars in property damage

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@insom in conclusion u r a ■■■

isnt the reason its ‘most expensive’ cuz of inflation? or just that it was nationwide

wasnt there nationwide riots after MLK died?

and surely LA 91 was worse than BLM LA

not that thats a high bar lol…

I’m sure inflation is part of it but yea mainly it’s because it was nationwide like I am saying. The 1991 riots in LA were definitely worse then the BLM shit in LA but outside of LA it was probably a lot worse.