Trump vs Harris debate September 10

ive watched so much alex jones and so many new age freaks informed by nazi esoterica it would make your eyes bleed. we are not the same

though the latter group is probably just literally crazy people. not important in the grand scheme

There is a more interesting discussion to be had here about the nature and aims of anarchism / far left acab-type ideology as it exists in the US today

Saw this discussion on reddit the other day. I think the point often missed in anarchism discussions is that the modern state exists to protect society from exactly these type of people. Mob-led violence is a horrible and dangerous thing and we saw that in a tiny dose during the BLM / CHOP-CHAZ era

Also from reddit. Jdance you've been called out, switch jobs immediately


nobody with a serious interpretation of left wing anarchism thinks it's a drag and drop solution you can wake up to tomorrow and have utopia

Biggest loser on the forum.

Just shut up. You have no idea what you're talking about. You're played out and trite.

I dont do drama anymore so i didnt read this

"Alex Jones" -- this guy is just straight up Antifa at this point.

im the leader of the shadow cell

I'm deep into Right Wing Domestic Terrorism -- I watched Alex Jones for years.

Me, the Rose City Antifa member.

mostly i want to watch the episode where his liver fails live on air

its not far off

Exactly as I thought. This is a fed-sponsored movement drummed up by MSM to build the threat of right-wing anarchist violence in the public's mind.

How it works: There are real people somewhere (usually in their mother's basement on 4chan) with these ideas. Feds push those ideas to the top, give them support, at times basically enable them (connecting them with others, buying them weapons, pushing them to execute a plan) and then catch them and it gets reported in the media (with the fed involvement left out). Highlighted the michigan governor plot at the bottom because i believe there was a whole expose on this (it was entirely fed-sponsored and led)

It's like if the federal government were to go into teamspeak, give these guys a bunch of resources/encouragement, show them how to rotate NAMAFIA by 10 degrees and play polka music on the homepage, then MSM publishes an article "Obscure group of basement-dwellers enacts sophisticated plot to take down dying mafia website"

You have no idea what you're talking about.

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low iq gremlin gets caught in a honey trap--

AGUUHHHNBUHHHH i knew this was fed sponsored

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has big_ass even read the Flight 93 Election?

that plot was very real, big-ass, it was just also entrapment

its shameful how the feds treat ■■■■■■■ in this country