Trump vs Harris debate September 10

conservative white men are violent thugs

Staying awake for this segment. Love me some anderson cooper.

Young voters care about Israel. The largest voting block of young people is looking for someone that says "What's happening in Palestine is a genocide" and neither of them have the balls to say it

nothing personal against them i just dont want them in MY neighborhood

Young people have strong opinions that they know nothing about and hardly vote anyways

do you have any speculation as to why literally no one is willing to say this about gaza

All Trump has to say is "I won't allow Israel to bomb civilians" and he will have a surge of the zoomer/young millenial generation


Im gunna type the n word again

? i'm waiting

@yns I'm going to tag you in on this one.

particularly interested in your opinion on this to be frank

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Even cnn commentators saying biden is incoherent lmao

probably because israel is a client state

Can you clip that here

I am listening to the goy club commentary

lazy answer but it's fine

What we really need is the clip of the golf section and to replay and analyze it


Somebody get this I'll do you whatever mod favor you want

Do your own work ■■■■■■