Trump vs Harris debate September 10

Yeah -- deporting everyone who's brown and making only white men able to vote.

The strngest election rigging tech -- getting rid of elections.

The final question of the debate.

"What will you focus on in your next term?"

Biden "Answers the question."

Trump "Attacks Biden because he has no plan."

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Anti-election rigging tech: An ancient scroll communicates the divine mandate of heaven - Trump is to be emperor forever.

get back to me in a year on this

No, there are actual plans for Trump -- deport all the brown people.

what's the Biden plan?

Biden simply isn't a competent political statesman -- not what the US needs.

The US needs Hitler at this point.


there's no apparatus he can tap that can put in the work to track down and forcefully remove all those people. thats magical thinking

Krazy's mad that people aren't answering questions in political debates. What is this, 2004? This debate honestly had more direct responding-to-the-question than any other presidential debate I have seen in my life

It's really simple. You A) Stop giving them money. B) Legally prosecute the people who hire them.

There is. It's called the Biden voter roll.

time to go back to the basement recordings of in rainbows - too much droll yapping going on

It's not that difficult to expel people out of your country -- it's called ethnic genocide and has been practiced for millions of years.

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Don't leave yet. I'm about to get the golf clip

CNN stream ended btw

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look you're the dumbass that thinks hitler wasn't here in america instead of being covered in petrol in a ditch on fire

How are you going to get rid of the Brown people -- it's too hard -- you just can't get rid of them.

You heard of the holocaust buddy?

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im pretty sure it is somewhat difficult and also requires a lot of boot boys and our military's size is less and less boot boys as time goes on