Trump vs Harris debate September 10

Drug trafficking should be legal anyways. That's the free market at work.

I think you are underestimating the problem because you don't live here actually

Obviously it's not a problem with the physical border but there seems to be some crazy stuff going on with migrants right now. It's not super clear what exactly because it doesnt get reported widely but there is stuff like apparently an entire terminal of Boston's Logan Airport was closed to be used for migrant housing

The section of the city near the airport, which nobody goes to because it's across the harbor and not on the red line, has rapidly increased to hispanic majority (the city's less than 20% hispanic) and is apparently being called "Little Colombia"

Again. Idk exactly what is going on because i don't read the news sites that talk about it but there's some crazy stuff in cities that you would assume are completely unaffected

I’ve mentioned it before. It’s a really big issue lol

Can you elaborate on it when you have time I either didnt read or dont remember your mentioning it before

Obviously "its a really big issue lol" doesnt tell me much about the impacts on you/your area.

Just a point of curiosity not like I'm gearing up to argue with you on it or anything

Build housing projects.

But losers that hate brown people make it politically difficult to do the obvious decent thing lol.

I think this misses the point

The problem I heard (recently from a friend) isn't one of border walls and racism but of actual policy of importing people into an environment that isn't built to support them, giving them stuff, and dumping them on the street

It's not economic migrants arriving in El Paso. It's an actual federal-level policy to import homeless people at a demographic-altering level

So it doesn't come down to "just build homes for these homeless people duh" it's more like "Why are we actually importing people just to dump them on the street, homeless" and "why are they getting straight up economic incentives (1000 bucks and a cellphone) to do this"

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"Just build housing" isn't a solution, it addresses one part of a very complex and multi-tiered problem

And apparently that problem is being imported/created. Like there are normal homeless people and then there are legions of homeless people you intentionally import to a city

This is some "1 Billion Americans"-tier nonsense. Which I think I recall you actually being a supporter of

Matty Glesias is one of the consistently dumbest people on policy to ever exist. Just consistently wrong on everything. So happy my brain had completely forgotten his existence until just now

you can't argue with huber on this topic because he earnestly believes that people from the 3rd world have a right to live around white people. this is a concept that is ingrained in many leftist's heads that for whatever reason just because the country where these people come from is worse off then ours then we are obligated to allow these people to come into our country and spend resources on them to allow them to move here with no job, no money, and no plans. usually they bring up some type of colonialism argument which somehow in their mind justifies this behavior, which is clearly a net negative for american society both in the short and the long term.

yes i'm sorry i don't want a bunch of brown people from shithole countries coming over here

the obvious decent thing is to start turning these people away entirely so they stop coming over here by the millions and we don't even have this issue in the first place. giving people who aren't even citizens free housing is absolutely re tarded. no huber, these people do not have a right to come and live in america just because they want to.

how many white people have you even met outside of the internet

Your mother for one.


Cope and sneed.

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You will never be a white person.

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post hand shit skin

Here's my hand :fu:



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