Trump vs Harris debate September 10

Yeah I'm sure white people aren't going to sign up to the Trump Team of murdering r*tard black people.

weird fishes!

They literally ethnically cleansed the cities by giving black people section 8 LMAO

Ever heard of White Flight?

you are so fucking dumb my god

You have zero idea of what you're talking about.

It's mind blowing -- every Masters program in the United States is covered with Indians just for some random reason.

i dont see the problem, we pushed them out. like i said, i dont want any white conservative men in my neighborhood

The alternative is ANC-style South Africa -- which isn't that bad either -- the state will eventually cede control of territories because it's unable to govern competently and we'll get actual states rights back.

ain't nothin' to it but to do it, tbh

aint no point to the game


I think CNN are just opportunists -- the true regime loyalists are still pro-Biden.

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WashPo "BIden Struggles, Trump deflects"


there's a mafia game tomorrow right

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Yes. Everybody go sign up

Golf clip is uploading

i dont think cnn is as liberal as they used to be at the ownership level after the 2018 sale and following merger

They most likely wrote that entire article before the debate btw

nah, NYT is Pravda, they're basically organs of the state.

CNN exists to make a profit.