Trump vs Harris debate September 10

You know it when you see it.

Oh come on. Gotta be more than that.

Anglo-Saxons. Like JDance isn't white.

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I'm Scottish/German. Is that white?

The photo of you looked more white trash than white.

Regrettably, I am White

What makes a white become white trash? Just looking trashy?

send me the photo

I will burn it and post it here.

and this guy has no idea what he's talking about


The Greeks and Turks today are indistinguishable outside of religion.

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Turkish people are stupider.

So he had a stroke?

So are Germans white?

I believe Germans derive themselves from Sanskrit peoples.

If that's a no, then I think America is already way less white than you think it is. There is more german ancestry in America than anglo-saxon.

skeletons derive themselves from flesh

everyone is white when you dig down to their bones

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