Trump vs Harris debate September 10

We all aren't welcome in TeamSpeak. I've been banned there since 2016.


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she misdirects more than trump, despite claiming to be a liberal

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i don't think i was ever welcome in the teamspeak, nonetheless i haven't been there for many years myself

This is probably the origin story of my impulse to dance

Depth of the pandemic, watching 2 people connect and coordinate intuitively without having to speak about it

Begins a long journey in which I essentially channel my autism into the first autistic hobby to ever get anyone laid

Or second I guess.

Maybe my timeline is kinda off track there

But something like that

Post your fridge Nyte. Or else

Her not posting her fridge says more about her fridge than posting it.

You're wrong. I have you beat so hard. It's not even comparable.

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You've gotten laid?


From what? Posting racism online?

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I saw Nyte in the teamspeak just today. In the goy club stream.

Homomorphic Encryption.

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I could've gotten laid a lot more btw but I've been in a committed relationship this whole time

Maybe in a year or so I'll be able to divulge how awesome I am.


Until that time we simply don't believe you.

Your loss.

Nyte is probably cleaning out her fridge right now.