Trump vs Harris debate September 10

If it's really electrowizard (I don't think it is) he must've lost a lot of IQ points while away. Considering his first question in the mafia chat was "Do we still use chatzy?"

He was trolling you. It's a good thing you bussed him early, he was probably going to grief that game.

He was likely trying to fake being some other poster from the old site to escape his horrid reputation among the current poster base here. Unfortunately his corrosive personality leaked through in less than a month and he's already back to the low-effort "Kys" posting. Very sad stuff.

I would've had no issue with him and welcomed him with open arms if he had just been honest with who he was. Why hide it?

You know why.

It's cute how politics excites you Yankees while u all know the Jews control usa

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I don't know what happened on this forum in the 2 years we were banned, but if you decided to get rid of electrowizard over some of the other deplorables you kept giving attention because of his "personality" then I don't trust any of your opinions.

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I don't know what you are talking about. I have never decided to get rid of anyone from this site. Everyone is welcomed with open arms, especially "deplorables."

My only ask really is that people bring something interesting to this site rather than just a low-effort intention to shit on others. It isn't really that place any more so that style of posting doesn't really fit in

i don't think you have any ground to stand on

this is where you slip into your most absurd tangents about rights and wrongs on this site

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Either way I am now fully supporting the permanent ban of Pastel for the crime of attempted attention seeking and fraud.


oh shut up
what is this weird roleplaying shit? you sound like stewie 2.0

I don't know what to tell you - I genuinely hate every bone in his body for his behavior since he came back. He's clearly completely retarded and out of touch if he thinks that he can "epicfully disguise secret account" on a forum like this and get away with it.

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I'm not surprised you think that Nyte

But the truth is you and I (and NMA - all of us) post real shit on the site and if we shit on people occasionally at least it is high-effort and funny. That's kinda the minimum bar I expect people to cross

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I'm also going to say politely that you had your 2 years or whatever to be moderator and completely ruined the site - nobody was posting, everybody left, except guys like this guy who just want to run around shitting on their particular target of the day, and even he eventually left because there was nobody left to shit on.

Good job running tons of great posters off the site for being insufficiently into BLM or whatever. I'm sure this has done wonders for our mafia games and general community vibes. So thank you for that and thank you for your comments on my personality and moderation. Always appreciated

If you say "Lol. Nah." as a response to anything, you're immediately dead to me.

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the fact that you and your gangstalker group literally have signed up the most bullshit and fake accounts - sometimes in order to get into mafia games for the sake of ruining them... just makes this stance such a joke

I agree. Too many shit low-effort posts without earning that right. Post something interesting, share something of yourself. Make a game and post it on the site

Then you can go goof on people or type Lol Nah or whatever and I won't mind as much

But just being here to shit on people and not contribute anything is not appreciated.

I don't think "fuckmafiauniverse" or "retorik" are anywhere near on the same level. Especially since those ones are more often than not obvious jokes that don't try to pretend to be old users that know who we are but we don't know them.