Trump vs Harris debate September 10

Idk about you but fuckmafiauniverse was actually really funny and everyone loved him.

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NMA puts a ton of effort into his fake impersonation accounts and they usually end up being funny. If you're not funny on this site don't talk to me

I changed my website language to norweigan before taking screenshots of mafia posts because it was on a norway vpn.

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See. This is effort. This is dedication to the bit

This is the level of commitment I expect from Pastel if he wants to pretend to be a fake person.

if, in under a month, he is just making Ewiz trademark "kys" post and being a dick to people - well, that's not going to fly here bucko.

you're so twisted that it's sad, but it's kind of useless to point out. your perception of events very clearly identifies your disassociation with reality and any part you play in the state of things.

it's kind of surreal to see how little regard you're even capable of having for me, given everything.
but you can live with that. it says enough.

Wahhh wahhh wahhh

Everybody has no regard for me. Everybody who disagrees with me is twisted and sick. Why don't the moderators do something!!

You can't pretend to be a fake person if you immediately break the illusion by clearly referencing old nadota/namafia nicknames. It's not even cool or funny at that point, just a lame weirdo.

If the same people who hated you under your real name again start to dislike you for the same reasons in less than a month under a new name you have failed to create a successful fake persona

this is so stupid
so fucking THIN
you know most people can't even keep track of your stupid fucking accounts to this day - with our limited amount of users/posters

like what the actual fuck are you talking about nma i know your brain is better functioning than this

its fine, its your deal

I don't care if people can't keep track of it, the point is that it's not a secret. Nobody has ever tried to make the "bug" account a secret, nobody has tried to pretend like fuckmafiauniverse isn't a shared account that 5 people used.

You're arguing a completely different strawman and refusing to understand what my issue with this guy even is.
This exactly is my problem. This is his goal - narcissizing us into talking about his epic secret identity.

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I don't even know what you're trying to say because when you mention how limited our userbase is, that means it should be easier to keep track of accounts.

It really seems like you're comparing us just for the sake of it.

I don't take kindly to narcissizing on my forum and especially in my mafia games.

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wildly, its you the cries the most

you display the most condescending perspective for someone who enjoys the least amount of discrimination on nearly any front. and you cry for yourself when criticized, and also belittle other people when they express displeasure or frustration, completely unwilling to see how you contribute to those things. now you bitch about ewiz as if you aren't the same person you villified him for being (haughty/condescending) the catch is you're trying to suggest its JUST about content("at least put in some effort"). that's a bullshit lie and you know it.

Also I don't care if you could immediately tell it was him from the first post, he refused to admit to it and got the admin to collaborate with him.

If I made a new account they would instantly say "durrr I checked his ip it's him", and you know it.

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I am actually highly discriminated against. Ciscriminated one might say

it's not a strawman

you (and all the others) are quite happy to continue with the antics while saying "i wash my hands of this" when users get confused, because it's part of the intention. it's part of why you do it.


so totally
so clever

Whenever people started suspecting that I wasn't a fake new user on any joke account I made (there has only been like 2 that weren't direct blatant ban evasion but you remember them because they were so good), I immediately dropped the act.

No actually the #1 reason we make new accounts is because we get banned, and then we and the admins make zero effort to hide our identity either, we post pictures of our faces on every new account.

Don't blame me for not blurring the lines.