Trump vs Harris debate September 10

White male republicans are one of the most oppressed minorities in the nation right now. Mandated to take the vaccine (man date - the very word even has evil in it). Every news caster wants to talk about incels, racists, MAGA voters - all buzz words for people like me, who look like me, think like me. In the street, people don't respect me because I am white and shorter than 5 feet. I had to work hard for everything I had in life and that long haul was made that much harder by the fact that I don't benefit from any form of affirmative action, people assume everything was handed to me in life on a silver platter, I am most often compared to celebrities who would be cast in the movie as the villain or pitiable hero (such as Gru from Despicable Me), and I don't know how to talk to women. In fact, these very posts you are sending me are giving me extreme anxiety right now and I am going to have to take a 7-hour break from the internet to recover.

YOU did this Nyte. Apologize to me

Not ewiz. Is it so inconceivable that other people think you're a fucking moron?

Doesn't matter everything I said is true

because you have a history of evading bans and being essentially a fucking malicious poster that goes well beyond typing "kys" even 1 thousand times on the forum

(and no doubt i have to note that i don't think ewiz is some great example of 'decent' behavior on a forum. i disagree with him about many things, but he still doesn't come close to some of the shit brigade stuff you crusaded for literal years)

You've never been funny

I'm sorry but this is completely irrelevant to everything. He could be a child rapist and that wouldn't be the issue here.

You type and behave exactly like ewiz which means you need to clean up your act and get with the program.

Also how stupid do you think we are lmao

you mean, for BLURRING the lines

you don't do this on EVERY account, you might EVENTUALLY do dumb shit when you get bored or tired or maybe even you start in fighting over some ridiculous shit and go off on eachother

NMA has been a net positive poster on this site for more than a year

The guy builds and shares video games, runs top-tier mafia games

I don't even remember the last time he doxxed somebody or got somebody committed to a mental asylum. Most improved morals on the website

No I have clear cut definitions between comedy accounts and epic "guess who i am !! hahaha wrong guess!" accounts.

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A day or two ago (for you - whenever you last posted) you were pretending you don't even know who I am.

Very ironic considering you've never made a good post on this site or the last one

That was because you kept changing your pfp

the only thing i'm going to say about pastel is that i actually assumed it was another old user at first

but i like to leave it open to being ewiz at this point because it's funnier

Bottom line - you can either be a friend and be pleasant to people here or fuck off. As long as I am still a moderator here this should be considered an official warning and will be enforced.

Kill yourself

And again, Nyte, I'm sorry if you don't agree with or clearly remember my posting habits, but if you're refusing to admit that there's an issue here when you're making posts like this then you're part of the problem

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"a year"

i don't disagree with any of that

i do disagree with that giving cause to be utterly fucking dogshit brained to any user new or old who might show a fraction of posting habits that still don't even hold a candle to nmaganes history with nadota/mafia

just fuck off with that shit, what happened to growing up

You're encouraging retarded degenrate behavior.