Trump vs Harris debate September 10

again, right you are, right you are


By definition the new guy showing up who doesnt share our culture would be the barbarian. We are the noble romans (without all the gay sex)

most assuredly

His first 10 posts are typing qv and shitting on me and alightsoul

Yet still denis being relapsed ewiz

Why the larp bro? Did he expect to come back and try to fit in this time?

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You don't even get it. He DOES share our culture, but he chooses to act all special. Is he embarrassed? Is he shy?
From his "Lol. Nah." I knew those were both not true, he's just a moron.

Plus the constant swearing every post, dismissive rudeness toward people, and the air of self-hatred leaking out of everything he says and does.

This guy needs to go back to treatment, he's fallen off the wagon. This forum is not good for him.

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so what's the detective work here, was the ip from DC or how do we know we're dealing with THE electrowizard barbarian?

He was just another victim of @SOPHIE's mass email marketing campaign - same with @sdadasdas, except Klaze is not completely socially handicapped and had 0 friction rejoining the site after 4 years.


something everyone else here ALSO shares
so i really just don't see the point you needed to so desperately make

you are correct tho, of course

There's no detective work, I literally just said OFFICIAL and then said it's ewiz

I don't check/share people's info as a mod I don't think that's right. Like I said before. If someone wants to show up and pretend to be somebody else I will not stop you and will probably help you.

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No nobody else here is like that. He's different, maybe very subtly - but I see it. He just had a stink to him.

Its a bit of history repeating itself innit


I don't care who he really is at this point, I never did.

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To be fair Klaze doesn't have a terrible reputation to escape. He can reintegrate because people like him on the site.

Neither does ewiz.

We all love klaze. Id be lying if i said i wish he had at least mentioned me once since he returned.


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agree to disagree.
would be hard pressed to name too many posters here that aren't: acting all special, and just morons.
oh and doesn't shy or embarrassed about anything.

Nope. I don't agree to disagree.