Trump vs Harris debate September 10

I would post the official epok logo but it's banned as it's classified as doxxing apparently.

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is this a way of saying what you did was also a bad joke?

No I led the charge against someone who griefed my mafia game. He got what he deserved.


uhm, hes' basically exactly what you'd expect at face value, i think.

His behavior seems completely random to me

I bet if you did an investigation into what time he posts it would be pretty evenly distributed throughout a 24 hour day

I dont understand the guy at all


When I met ■■■ in Chicago I found him extremely attractive (in a non-traditional way) but somewhat smaller than you'd expect.

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by you i dont' mean you, because... hard time with your outlook and what not.

In terms of arm strength I would say he wouldn't survive a kayak trip on the open ocean but would do just fine in a small lake or lagoon

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I messaged ewiz "fuck you" thatll probably get him posting again

weird, he's taller than you.

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Most people are.

I'll still accept Pastel back to the forum if he sincerely apologized for his actions and posted identity verification.

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Ive looked at ■■■■ selfies over the years and im pretty sure its not even him because it looks like different people



you are currently the most paranoid user, who used to rant about other users being paranoid, its kind of fascinating.

If pastel posts an up-to-date photo of himself in his spiked leather jacket and gay biker patches and apologizes for his troubled past I will welcome him with open arms as a member of this community.

This is gaslighting.

that's great but nobody cares

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that's great but nobody cares

JDance is our top investigator currently

And I agree with this, I have had the same thought when ■■■ posts photos

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