Trump vs Harris debate September 10

They have a huge gaming culture. I'll be at LAN ETS in Montreal Sunday.

Watched NHL game 7 Stanley Cup on discord with a bunch of Quebecers lol was like 15 of them

800s fucking posts dude


somebody make a thin blue line flag but a different color to symbolize support for NADota moderators


Yes, scapegoat the Jew.

What’s wrong with that

dipshit posters sound off

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Thinking about Quebec in terms of white percentage isn't how to go about it. You aren't one of them and they know it.

In fact I have long suspected my permanent ban on was a result of Quebecois Supremacist Ideology being weaponized against me


We are so back


rainbow color, its that shrimple

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Thought on the Supreme Court ruling that the conviction of the Jan 6th rioters is a sham nyte,?

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i hate to break it to you but the vast majority of republican thugs prosecuted were also charged with at least one other felony in addition to the one they ruled on

Name them.

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you want me to name like 200 people? 200 thugs?

i fear the dark lord has a hold on your eternal soul and ill pray for you

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Name the felonies.

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Oh dear God oh Lord. This sheep is lost. They've lost their way and are wandering without guidance is this world beset by moral darkness. Please Shepherd this sheep back into Your grace and help them see where they lost their way.

Whoop whoop & amen

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Bro Use your OWN account. All the fucking threads are already read you're really griefing me