Trump vs Harris debate September 10

i think theres about a 50/50 shot your either white or asian

The current working theory is that I'm brown actually.

honestly asians arent that bad im not sure if you guys deserve deportation yet, all the Brazilians (even the ones who clean my apartment) and the africans need to go back or just go to california or something

brown? like puerto rican/dominican or something? if you were you would live down the street from me in the projects and blast music all day long

Brazilians are keeping cambridge alive (dangerously close to death due to influx of lib college students and liberal young professionals). You should consider them an ally, they are a last bastion of traditional family morals

Actually idk if you've heard about this, I started hearing recently East Boston is basically a shelter city where they're importing a bunch of illegal migrants and dumping them near the airport

I know one person from Boston and they're a ngger fggot this conversation really checks out.


yes i get videos on tiktok about it, just another symptom of globalization. this state will be 50% white in 10 years

i went to some local auto body shop to get my car fixed up before i turned the lease in and the dude asked me about how similar Massachusetts politics were compared to california and i told him this state is about 10 years off from being california and being about 50% white or less

The city is probably already not 50% white (depending who you consider white)

Further from the city you go you get kinda New Hampshirey and it's the type of people whose families have lived around here a long time

But then you hit the western MA population center (Amherst/Northampton etc) in there somewhere and it's just absolute lunacy

no its probably around 70%, california is what they call "50% white" and you see probably 1 white guy for every 10 browns

out and about at least, those statistics are skewed because of old ass people, when they all die it'll probably be like 30%

never been to western ma have no plans, i go up to new hampshire to buy flavored zyns since the zionist occupation government here banned flavored zyns

new hampshire might be in the top 5 best states in the country for certain

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also my first experience on the MBTA the fucking train literally went off the rails and they put us on buses after we waited for an hour for them to show up in the cold and the news came and interviewed people about it

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I think cali is pretty unique with its little cultural bubbles

Tech boom of SF - no parrallel here

OC jesus and football bubble

People who move there for ski & surf or just homeless getting shipped there because the weather's nice

Boston will always have its bitter winters. To be homeless here you have to weather that. And it has liberals but it also has old money wealth/finance, the people who live/work here but pay NH tax, the various "independents" and people leaving the city to live in 98.8% white bastions for "the schools." And so on

That's hilarious

Welcome to Boston.

dude yea they interviewed me but i dont think they included me because i told them this was my first time on the train but i would much rather have this compared to LA subways which is like mad max with all the homeless people

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people say the winters are cold out here but having lived a few winters in wisconsin/iowa this shit is not even cold most of the time its like 20 or 30 out you barely need a coat

i remember utah being colder