Trump vs Harris debate September 10

They had to shut down a track last year because the trains were literally on fire

There is a recent expansion that cost billions that kicked off a project to repair/replace as soon as the original project to build it finished because the people building it cheated and used slightly too-small metal bits in some place and the space they are supposed to have to expand/contract as trains pass over just isn't there. So the train's probably going at like a 4th of its intended speed and they need to spend another couple billion to make it operational

Believe it or not this is an improvement. This is a phase of competency and addressing issues for the MBTA

It's the humidity, I think you probably didn't spend that much time outside

Or we had a not particularly bad winter. Don't think we had a real snowstorm

whatever you guys are spoiled im used to public transportation on the west coast where you have to wait for a bus and some homeless guy spit on the floor of the bus so now you sit there for an hour watching your bus pulled over on the side of the road within eyesight while they wait for a manager to come clear the bus from the "biological incident" (real story)

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I was in mexico training for a big chunk of the winter this year so i don't feel my sense of how the winter was is all that accurate

this winter was not bad at all and the one before that was not bad at all either

I'm trying to think what's the worst shit you can see here

There was a tent city on methadone mile but I think they cleared it

I regularly go through parts of the city where there are actual shootings (dorchester and central, believe it or not) but tbh it's fine

The city actually had a down year for shootings - no shootings at all in the year up until a month or so ago. Last month I think there were 2 in central. Which is kinda funny because it's a young professional/student area it's just kinda grungy and there are certain tiny little corners you aren't supposed to walk into

mass ave yeah its pretty bad every time i drive by it

dorchester is "not nice" but honestly overall the city is fairly nice as far as places ive been where i've felt inherently unsafe being at

even mass ave is like a street where the comparable to LA is skid row which is like 10 city blocks or more of just insanity

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I haven't been recently

Near where I live they actually clear the homeless people out because it's a college area and they need it clean for tourists/students

But recently shits been smelling like piss everywhere when I walk and there are people begging in the street

Curious what's up in other parts of the city, maybe it's going down everywhere

Dorchester being "not nice" is literally just there are black people

fake conversation


Yea we rigged up two AI bots for site activity

in vegas around where i grew up we had the same sort of homeless dudes actually one of them was this guys dad we went to school with and they would just buy us alcohol for a tall can when we were like 14 years old sometimes they would even drink with us it was kind of weird

htese people apparently live in the same place and are going to discuss the most base things at 3 am fro the next hour


you put a group of black people in the same area and it becomes not nice very quickly

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I likely have more black friends due to being willing to go into dorchester than anybody on this site. Maybe in the world

We can recreate this when you move to new asyut

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I watched the vegas tunnel people vid by that molester guy honestly pretty sick

Was just thinking the same thing -- where In Asyut do I need to avoid and where can I get a good shwarma.