Trump vs Harris debate September 10

That guy went to jail I believe

yeah still a hero

Don't forget ■■■■■■ Penny's name and the court cases is still ongoing.

are you willing to go to jail to do whats right?

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We should start a charity that buys homeless people bus tickets to california and go stand on the corner with a poster for it in Harvard Square

these dudes are hopping off the bus before they even get out of boston we need to get them flights and promise them fentanyl when they land

You know harvard had people (presumably students) set up an "autonomous zone" (tent city protest) on its green and it just closed and locked all gates, made people show ID to get in, and still hasn't reopened them

Damn you know all the tricks

i fly re tards out to california to get "drug treatment" all the time

i dont promise them fentanyl though they usually have it themselves

People love to protest/advertise shit in Harvard Square

When the brazilian trump lost there was a crowd of them out there, one of them told me brazil needs to send in the military to put him back in the presidency

Thank you for your service.

whatever im not doing shit past like 4-430 pm on tuesday and ill be in cambridge if you want to get breakfast together let me know

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Really been locked into Reddit lately

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I would caution making us liberals angry. You won't like it when we are angry.


Just finished reading every post in this thread. We are basically on 4chan. Good job guys


Sorry i couldnt contribute last night. I was having sex and watching demon slayer with my girlfriend.

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No you were not. But that's okay

I literally was