Trump vs Harris debate September 10

It has been investigated. It turns out it isn't a crime to give a rich/connected guys fail-son a cushy do-nothing job.

The only guys who end up obsessed with Hunter Biden are degenerates similar to him. FACT

guy living in the most financially corrupt western nation outside of the balkans voice

buh buh buh the Ukrainians gave him a JOB with a bigger paycheck than mine and she deleted her EMAILS ??!!!!

Grow up. Get your paper up. Do something about your own 7,000 unread emails.

It’s a crime if you’re doing it in return for something. Like quid pro quo, you know, like the guy who is directing foreign policy in Ukraine promises you something if you give his son a job.

They arrest people all the time for no show jobs here in the US

Not to mention I believe the guy who was CEO of that company at that time was later investigated by Ukraine for corruption and like fled the country or some shit. Idk how corrupt you have to be to get investigated for corruption by the most corrupt country in Europe

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After the supreme court decision today Hunter and Joe have complete immunity for all their crimes in Ukraine

What exactly is the crime when someone does something with the vague expectation of maybe getting preferential treatment they didn't explicitly ask for down the line? You need to understand that most things your average person considers financially corrupt behavior are perfectly legal in your shithole country

Omg so true bestie

In your shithole country? Is this guy canadian?

I'm a sovereign.

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You are not allowed to post in US politics threads as a Canadian.


Hunter is involved in way sketchier fincrime schemes than anything related to foreign relations. Do your research.

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no offense but its insane to think that someone who lives in CANADA can't know more about the UNITED STATES than people like YOU who are INDOCTRINATED into their BELIEFS via ALGORITHMS and not FACT

i think he probably knows more than you do about the subject. to him, we are 2d. he exists in 3d space. we are a drawing. we are like hentai to him

I reside in the corporation known as The United States.

okay reta rd thats too far


Those words dont mean to an uneducated and
untelligent person what they mean to you