@mafiabot vc
Vote Count
Lynch | Votes | Voters |
kyle | 2 | KrazyKat, Friend |
jdance | 1 | mello |
krazykat | 1 | bazingaboy |
mello | 1 | jdance |
insom | 1 | ian |
Not Voting
Osiris, insom, kyle,
Alive Players - 9
Majority Vote - 5
Should I extend end of day until 6pm tomorrow
- yes
- no
- alightsoul
0 voters
No lol
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actually i change my vote to abstain
then choose the alightsoul ooption
lebanese it was amazing. haven't had a nice restaurant meal in some time
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if we vote theodore and he flips as a town pr like the hyena game gonna be big sad
dont think i should let that discourage me though
Shut up Osiris
bro are you actually mafia bro?
jdance is mafia lol
Just fuckin get me out. I
why did u change that? all they had to do was @kyle instead of typing my name smh
i am town vigilante.
the bot had it logged as theodore so im not sure it would work
insom theodore or jdance