Twin Trap Mafia

Does carryout count?

In truth I usually eat out a couple times a week, but that wasn't an option

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i think jdance is done so unless other people want to hammer him not getting anywhere there

It depends on your own definition

never unless you count mcdonalds

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Would you be willing to participate in an interview with @anon82208883

hey get in line

sometimes i sit in the chair waiting for my food at the chinese owned chicago style pizza place does that count


jdance is probably busy replying to the reddit thread i linked in the omicron thread

@mafiabot vc

Vote Count

Lynch Votes Voters
insom 2 ian, Osiris
jdance 2 jdance, mello
kyle 2 KrazyKat, Friend
krazykat 1 bazingaboy

Not Voting

insom, kyle,

Alive Players - 9

Majority Vote - 5


jdance would probably be trying harder if he was scum but he could just be appealing to emotion


@mafiabot vote insom

feel like hed be trying harder if town he was waiting for this game

oops i forgot bazinga put him in with mello/ian

scum slip cause you are going to nightkill me tonight and knew i dont need to be solved

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loads shotgun with malicious intent

im here just waiting as long as possible to post my reads

ill go for kkat or osiris

@mafiabot vc