Twin Trap Mafia

Vote Count

Lynch Votes Voters
insom 3 ian, Osiris, kyle
kyle 2 bazingaboy, KrazyKat
ian 1 mello
jdance 1 jdance

Not Voting

insom, Friend,

Alive Players - 9

Majority Vote - 5


your vote didnt work brah

cant remember why but insom being voted by ian and kyle and osiris all give me bad vibes. didnt really have scumread on ian but i did on osiris + kyle.

cant remember why i voted kyle*

i think it does.

@mafiabot vc

the mafiabot is ingoring me, but i think it has my vote on kyle. i think my unvote for kyle is whatw didn't work lol

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@mafiabot vc

Vote Count

Lynch Votes Voters
insom 3 ian, Osiris, kyle
kyle 2 bazingaboy, KrazyKat
ian 1 mello
jdance 1 jdance

Not Voting

insom, Friend,

Alive Players - 9

Majority Vote - 5


I'll count it nbd

Never did I say they weren't equal. You're the only one who implied that.

@mafiabot vote @anon82208883

Time to see who fortune favors

The incel or the incel

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Kyle died! He was a Vanilla Town.

PRs Send me your night actions.


@mafiabot kill @anon82208883

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@mafiabot kill mello