Twin Trap Mafia

krazykat's not mafia you buttheads

then how did he survive my shot?

theodore put the gun down it still has buttsweat on it

there is no sweat on it. i was just cleaning it

this isn't sanitary

should we wait for all the goobers to post or just kill

im ready to kill kkat rn

methinks kkat not bad hombre

stop thinking for urself smh

@mafiabot vc

Vote Count

Lynch Votes Voters
insom 2 jdance, ian
krazykat 1 bazingaboy
theodore 1 KrazyKat

Not Voting

Osiris, insom, Friend, theodore, mello,

Alive Players - 9

Majority Vote - 5


wtf is theodore and mello, kyles vote will never count


i guess we have to vote for theodore, mello is a gamer who hasn't gamed yet

only use cat pictures to react please

im theodore

oh theodore is kyl just detected the confusion

this worked for me.

that's bizarre

it's not kkat it's not theodore