Voter thread 2024

This guy is a literal piece of shit criminal. Harris is a moron. She is a stupid opportunist who just happened to magically stumble into a golden opportunity, but Trump is worse and people are voting for him out of spite. I JUST CAN'T.


He is sucking Hitler's dick. Putin's dick. He's a terrible human being, but the other side is too soft. Soft fucking babies cannot lead either. Do you want a soft baby to lead your country or a horrible man?

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We gotta run some celebrity next time these politicians are wack

I'm watching in disbelief about to board my plane to Thailand. Gonna go motorboat some night titties in a few hours to appease my sadness and emptiness and negative energy.

This airport lounge gives free beer. I'm fucked up for my flight.

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Program drones and nanobots to recognize targets and eliminate targets to carve the world into the shape and vision you feel it should be. Take back the night.

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Enjoy those titties. We'll be alright in asia.

I am gunna go jerk off in a corn field. The rush.

Under Trump it will be illegal to post about the US election on NADota from Asia.

Dude, you have zero actual connection to America -- you've literally said as much. You're just some chinkoid who by happenstance wandered into America and have "papers" that say you're an American. I don't give a shit about what Wang Hunin is doing in China -- you shouldn't give a shit about what happens in my country either.

It's OK I got a VPN. As far as anyone here is concerned I am posting from Moldova or Kenya.

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Hur dur

It's time for the De-Baathification of the Democratic Party.

Goo goo ga ga

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You've literally spent the past week crying about what governments will allow you to purchase a VISA. You aren't a citizen in any sense of the word.

Look at this dog proudly showing off his collar. Good dog.


Maybe don’t run a low iq unelected woman next time

Is it even possible for Kamala to win at this point? The bump in the night would have to be huge in this case

Even the unreported states are showing huge advantages for Trump with majority reported. Trump +6 in Michigan is insane

Fox called it for trump already, the liberal media organizations are still on copium. I’m watching cnn laughing right now

I think she is probably got a decent IQ but yeah she sucks overall not gunna argue that.