Voter thread 2024

You think he was dating someone who was not a woman?

I put no thought into their identity whatsoever, I have no reason to believe they exist

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Are you using their there as a plural or singular they

Excellent question. No.

everyone copes on here that "wooah its all made up" but in reality I live one of the cooler lives on this forum.

Me too. How did you meet your ex?

How bad is asoul going to feel when he realizes every account on this website except for his own is being piloted by Jones

Local Genetics Institute

Oh look the loser in on the webforum

She was one of the test subjects in the genetic ■■■■■■ research.

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The dumb foreigner. Enjoy interacting with Alightsoul r*tard.

You're the one doing that.

We have the same shared politics -- I'm going to force you to communicate with Alightsoul and JDance.

How does it feel to degrade to a Nyte-level poster following jones around the website posting after him and starting arguments in hopes he will dm you

You have made 100x the posts to those people.

I wanted to add nmaGane on LinkedIn but he told me, and this is verbatim, "that he didn't want to give Alightsoul et. al pleasure from finding his account".

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Fake news.

Stalker Alightsoul. LinkedIn Hacker Alightsoul

We have the same shared politics but I'm more economically left (forced to speak in a public commons with Alightsoul and JDance).

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You can keep cowering back whenever your weak contrarian views are challenged in any way - everyone needs their safe space.
It's fine.