no, youre just saying shit and im sending you sources that are contrary to the things you are saying, then you are speaking in hyperboles
you are not even responding to the sources ive sent and chose to ignore them multiple times, I asked you to cite the claim he fired 3k ATC a couple days ago and you disregarded it and continued to peddle your misinformation and lies, using a tragic accident to push a political narrative that is not even true from an objective standpoint. You are the one arguing in bad faith and trolling, which is why I keep saying you are trolling because there is no possible way an objective and rational person would say the things you are saying.
My president does this. Like when trump blamed the plane crash on black people and democrats
Im not trolling you are just in a cult
buddy, I just linked you sources disproving the narrative you believe in your head because of the twitter posts you have been reading and you brushed them off with hyperbole, speculation, and an appeal to authority which just turned out to be the same authority you were appealing to, and then you claim I am in a cult
dawg youre just a re tard
I have already responded to every point you have made
At least TSLA is up.
Now what reason could trump have to want these people to resign?
meaningless conjecture, unable to be proven as of right now, the text of the actual executive order states "Accordingly, this memorandum does not prohibit making reallocations to meet the highest priority needs, maintain essential services, and protect national security, homeland security, and public safety." which ATC falls under both public safety, and an essential service
the source is from the AP in both instances.
Nobody knows how many took those severance packages or what relation they have to the crash. I also cannot find anything about him firing the head of the ATC, only the TSA, can you please link your source on that one?
Heres an article for you to read:
The worst part about these markets is they have a lot of inertia especially when statistically they are 51% cult members. Itll take a while but theyll all go -60-70% eventually
The problem with the wording of executive orders issued by this administration is because the wording doesnt matter. They have no problems doing illegal things and going against the constitution
But keep blaming plane crashes on dei. Its 100% trumps fault
Some excerpts from the politifact article I linked that you will choose to ignore
"All the processes to control and deconflict air traffic in the D.C. area have been well established for a long time," Cardoso said. "The personnel involved in the accident — air crew from the two aircraft and the (air traffic controllers) in place at the time of the accident — would similarly not have been affected by" the recent policy changes in Trump’s executive orders since Jan. 20.
It’s also unwise to speculate on causes so soon after a crash, said John Cox, a retired pilot who runs a St. Petersburg, Florida-based aviation security consulting company.
"At this point, we don’t know enough," Cox said Jan. 30. Anyone who argues that a specific factor caused the crash not even 24 hours after it happens is making an argument "without foundation," he said.
Cox said the international standard for determining what caused a crash "is not to speculate. You stay with the facts. The idea is that it’s more important to get the right answer than a politically motivated answer."
Cox said the international standard for determining what caused a crash "is not to speculate. You stay with the facts. The idea is that it’s more important to get the right answer than a politically motivated answer."
You want a politically motivated answer, you do not care about the facts and choose to speculate on twitter. You are arguing in bad faith here but you will never admit it because your ego does not allow you to be wrong.
Would you like to tell me how those two individuals voted in the 2024 election? You cannot trust sources that are in a cult. By definition their leader can do nothing wrong