Voter thread 2024

You have ceased arguing with logic, because you are wrong.

anyways dude have fun living in your fantasy "trump is responsible for every thing wrong in the world" land for the next 4 years, the democrats will be working overtime for your attention and outrage to motivate their voting base to hit the polls next presidential election

@BIGMATTHEW Good sir you have lost this debate

This is the gotcha! from jdance

This is all the evidence he needs to prove that trump fired 3000 ATC, because he believes that I believe this, that means he is right in his head.

You are a fucking re tard through and through dude.

Would these planes have crashed if biden were president

Probably? Nobody even knows why these fucking planes crashed yet is my point


No. He would catch them mid air. He's one of the connected, half man half machine.

0 plane crashes in like 20 years and then 2 within 10 days of trump

linking this again for you to read, but you will ignore it

Wow another agency cowtowing to the cult leader

Lmao you are literal a MAGA q-tard

Politifact the non-profit fact checking organization is biased TOWARDS trump in your head

Oh yeah what are they talking about on the /b/politics 4chan tab you have open

keep dodging shit


Whats the washington post got to do with politifact?

Any thoughts going through your mind? or are you just a monkey

Youre literally too dumb to see that the ground has moved out from underneath you are you dont live in a democracy anymore

The old rules no longer apply

keep changing the subject, you have been consistently wrong about anything to do with this crash, yet you still believe you are correct. You are ignorant of the truth and choose to live in the fantasy world in your mind because being an adult and a man and admitting you may be wrong about something is too hard for your ego to handle