Voter thread 2024

You are Maga, just the left wing version of it

Never before has a president completely disregarded the consitution. This is the end

We have the richest person in the entire world about to steal the money or unconstitutionally cut off the funding already appropriated for laws passed in a bipartisan fashion

This is hell

Go do something about it pussy

The funniest outcome is musk conspiring with putin because he admires the soviet union space era

I am currently microdosing so i might have "some chill" when i talk about republicans ending our country.

Why are you jumping the gun? Just wait to see the results, it might all work out like they say.
It's better to remain hopeful no matter how low your expectations are, and like I said - if you're not willing to die for what you believe (mass shooting/assassination), then shut up and keep it to yourself because you're not serious.

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I am watching history repeat itself

This is not a new movie. Ive seen this one hella times.

This is you

Resorting to personal insults? Interesting.

No I'm just saying that none of us can know what is to come. Don't jump to conclusions.
I myself was wrong, for example, I did not foresee Trump "firing" (supposedly) Vivek so quickly.

Bleh, I almost gagged just writing his name.

I highly recommend reading about nazi germany.

I highly recommend reading James Joyce.

Let the trade wars begin.