It is my duty to you, as one of the most privileged white men on the website, to take the burden of a GS payscale and fight against the libtard influence in the government for the rest of my life.
Thank you for your service sir.
He does what others can’t, not because he can, but because he must.
I’m not uploading videos of myself crying on tiktok though. I’m just chilling leaving comments laughing at you libtards
Don't let the afterglow from hitting "apply" go to your head smfh
Have you guys heard about the 4B movement? Women declaring they will stop having sex, stop talking to men, leave their boyfriends/husbands and stop having children because of trump winning. I’m wondering how Nyte knew about this movement for years before trump got elected
It's time for me to accept my fate. I have run from it for far too long.
The preference cascade begins. America is healing.
god speed
dont blame me i voted for kodos
- Require Voter ID federally.
- All states that were unable to complete their vote counting within N hours (TBD: 6, 8, 12) are to have their elections turned over to be run by the federal government.
What an embarrassing fucking state. There are people who live in this place and want to talk about governance. 58% two days later.
yea thatll be another trifecta
feel free to flag posts guys
i can't. or i would.
you cant flag? i saw you flag the other day
i did not stop flagging intentionally
i mean some people have made it abundantly clear that they are insensitive/uncaring mods so now i just flag whatever (even tho it's also been made abundantly clear that pretend-nonmodding actually still means targeted modding)
some more like most but yeah i feel you
most people here just dont want modding at all
theres obviously things that exceed my threshold for out of pocket but its pretty high cuz this is def not a safe space
We ain’t with that pussy safe space shit we some real ride or die ass mfers here
Nyte wasnt even flagging "unsafe posts" she was just spam flagging everything
If you spam flag you will lose flagging ability sorry. Message dan if you have an issue
Spam flag Jones for saying stuff like "People were voting for Donald Trump because Kamala didn't go on Joe Rogan"