go ahead and listen to what three million people's favourite streamer, who has decided to take on this paternalistic advice giving role, is saying.
three MILLION people.
go ahead and listen to what three million people's favourite streamer, who has decided to take on this paternalistic advice giving role, is saying.
three MILLION people.
it's like a giant ball of shit rolling down a hill, the faster it rolls, the bigger it gets, the more shit it can collect
it's like an exponentially growing ball of shit. except the ball of shit is people being bloodthirsty facists
I read Atlas shrugged as a teenager and thought it was genius but we all need to be able to forgive ourselves. That's part of life.
reading Ayn Rand is not the same as watching your favourite person (their pov) slowly turn into a literal fascist who is now soychamping at the idea of shooting down immigrants at the border with live bullets
this dude used to play world of warcraft
this shit is not normal and not going to end well
8 hours a day. every day. that's how often some people watch shit like that. traditional media is dead and instead they have parasocial relationships with their favourite youtubers, and copy their personality and beliefs.
look at how much cultural influence mr.beast has on children (had?? idk)
it's not a joke
Anyways I need to crash. Have a good evening everyone.
I think George Floyd was what turned me into an actual hardcore racist, fascist, domestic terrorist.
I thought your posts were good actually. I enjoyed them
Dont be bullied into feeling bad about what you have to say on the internet
Haven't read insom's posts yet but I am sure I will like them too, I saw in one of them you got called out for riding your bicycle
I actually had a conversation today (I picked up a friend from the mechanics) about how it'd be awesome to work in the Trump Admin and abuse illegal immigrants.
We've resolved things.
"resolved things" ahahahaha
enjoy the posts!!
i have no ill will towards him, so yea
it's very rare to find people who actually apologize in a situation like that, it's far too rare these days and a great quality to have. highly commendable
what are you planning to do on the domestic terrorist front?
I stand outside of technology events with a sign that says "BETRAY YOUR COUNTRY; SELL YOUR SECRETS".
I voted for Donald Trump was the correct response.
Damn dude the Canadians are going at it
I think it is normal to care about the politics of any of the worlds most powerful countries or of those involved in conflict. It is interesting, entertaining, and it does matter.
But I think insom could try and wait at least a few more posts of interaction before going to 11 right away.
I’m going to be real there’s a ton of people who are very successful educated and smart in America who pretty much operate under “as long as the roads are paved I don’t give a fuck who gets elected” and it seems to work out fine for them