he's affiliated with the Hoover Institute; Sowell is affiliated with the Hoover Institute. Thiel went to Stanford and does a lot of content with them.
This is interesting. On the one hand it's probably bad that NYT is positioning itself to spread straight up falsehoods in order to fight the Trump admin
On the other hand the seed oil discussion, in about 4 years, has moved from niche meme status (obsessively posted by some guy with a pepe avatar on twitter) to now a mainstream discussion in the paper of record. Millions are going to read not "Seed oils are perfectly safe" but "There is some discussion around the safety of seed oils" and that is going to move the needle.
Side note: Musk owning twitter and Musk now being butt buddies with Trump introduces an interesting dynamic. The same way we had concerns about NYT essentially being in the pocket/being a propaganda mouthpiece of the DNC and Deep State/traditional govt & military apparatus, this now introduces the same concerns from the opposite side. Pendulum swinging back feels kinda nice now, we get our propaganda apparatus that wants to talk about seed oils, but in the medium to long term I'm pretty anti
It wouldnt be that bad
I would 180 all my views and we would ultimately work together to piss insom off and make him cry
When the economy is good, liberalism can thrive because people can afford to be generous but when the economy is bad, the expectation for people to continue to be generous and kind while they are suffering economic hardship becomes a sort of hypocrisy that eventually transforms kind people into animals who are just trying to survive.
What we are seeing is human behavior when faced with stress and desperation, morality and ethics go out the door and all that matters is survival. They don't care about kindness, fairness, or being godly when they're suffering and being crushed economically.
Tough times bring out toughness in people. It feels tone deaf for people in 3rd world countries to be flocking to the USA for a better life when a large portion of the families in the USA are having trouble affording their food and are being crushed with credit card debt but meanwhile the liberal side of America still wants to act like America can afford to be the world soup kitchen. People have pride and don't want to admit they're suffering but they are and therefore pushing this policy that is disconnected and not addressing the state of suffering many people face is a big reason dems lost. Also because of Kamala.
People want to be kind and generous but not at the cost of themselves being eaten.
That was a trick social experiment by the way you pick your seat by loading in back to front
I for one think we should import more binders and take in all of americas illegals <3 dont you @insom ? Its great for the pocket
What? Have you never flown in a plane?
i always pick my seat, near the emergency exit has more leg room
"Leg room" on planes is largely a myth. Nobody really needs that much space, it is just vanity/opportunity for tall people to point out how tall they are (their favorite hobby - the only benefit to being tall)
Bruh economy sucks I'm 6'2"
Fucken all the men are like good low taxes stop this bull shit
All da wamons are all NOOO DA FREE STUFFFSS IS GONE
women shouldnt vote
You want your taxes to be gone so you can get a free car
Not free. One I worked for. I had to run up all the stairs in that building to inspect the tie-ins, then run down and climb that entire crane from the basement. No elevators nothing. But I have to give the government my money for that? No
Javier fired 50k government workers. Reduced 26 ministries to 8. Went from 17,000% inflation to 2.5%. Get rid of the god damn government.
No you want an indirect raise for doing the same work. I think you should earn the money instead
Are you stupid or ?