Have you seen Arrival
Have you?
you didnt claim this. you claimed AGI is impossible, even in principle, because godel proved consciousness is metaphysical, and artificial intelligences are physical.
i agree with your revised claim that current methods will not directly result in AGI.
so. can we in principle build consciousness, which is metaphysical, out of physical computer parts?
this isnt a gotcha or a technicality or whatever. this is the crucial thing. i am claiming humans and human cognition are not more metaphysical in principle, than machines.
An untimely arrival for sure
Getting my car detailed tomorrow. Poor bastards. $150
Will likely tip 3 or 4 dollers
good work today team
gold standard propaganda.
the AG stands for Artificial GeneralIntelligence.
Are you just saying that or have you read the quantitative finance books
AU? What does Australia have to do with all of this?
artificial unintelligence.
Artificial General Unintelligence
They can make a computer that can drive you to work or kick your ass in chess but can they make one that argues with you for 14h straight about the nature of consciousness and whether or not you've read the books on the epistemological foundations of math