Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations book commentary

Title of this thread should be ITT: hbotz pretends to read shit he hasn't

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It's awful and will make you want to cave your skull in with a hammer

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thank you for your take on the paper.

Maybe try reading it next time

In this article, I seek to bring into conversation ideas from ethnomathematics (including Western mathematics), postcolonial theory, aesthetics, biology, and Indigenous knowledge in order to propose a new vision for practicing mathematics, something I refer to as mathematx. I do so in order to promote interaction between different knowledges, different ways of knowing, and different knowers. I build upon the work of sustainability in mathematics education and suggest we need to think not only about more ethical ways of applying mathematics in teaching and learning but question the very nature of mathematics, who does it, and how we are affected by that practice. I introduce the concepts of In Lakā€™ech, reciprocity, and Nepantla to suggest we learn from other-thanhuman persons, which, in turn, may change our relationships with them. Along the way, I underscore with examples from biology the potential limitations of current forms of mathematics for understanding/interacting with our world and the potential benefits of considering other-than-human persons as having different knowledges to contribute. Finally, I suggest implications for teaching and learning.

Tell me, asoul, what do you find objectionable in her paper?

Hint: asoul is just posting these block quotes without commentary as a mockery because he can't actually develop any intelligent argument about why she's wrong

I just saw a lot of words so I copy and pasted them

For those who don't know: or donated 98% of the War Effort for AQ40's opening on the Sulfuras-US server, and abused the auto-ban system from the Report-Player functionality of the game to grief/deny another guild their turn-in/mount/title in a backstabbing move the other day.

As of a few minutes ago, the 10-hour window to turn the quest in and get their own Scarab Lord title + mount has passed, without any of them having obtained it.

Karma, Grizzly. Eat it. As a Sulfuras Horde main, all I have to say to you guys... L O L

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Asoul is just like hbotz: only able to read a few paragraphs. The very next paragraph is a criticism of this:

Actually fucking funny as fuck

Yet, no knowledge could fully describe or attend to our universe and our relations with/in it. If we look to the role that Aboriginalv knowledges have played in the reading of signs of distress from the land (i.e., predicting the global crises we face),

Bro anyone who involves sexuality with math is definitely deep on the spectrum

Accidentally bookmarked this thread. Don't know how to unbook mark it

Are you ever going to make an actual argument or will you just continue to spam?

once we have AGI we can just sit back and play videogames and let it worry about our spiritual relationship with rocks and trees and such for us. let us hope that day comes soon :pensive: