do you simultaneously believe that the Russian and Ukrainian soldiers have negligible difference in deaths, and the Russians can't feed or clothe or armor their troops.

russia is a huge country run by a kleptocracy staffed by nepotists with a lot of internal issues. it is not a superpower

they cannot support a modern military because everyone skims off the top at every level

im sure there are stand up elements of the russian military that get chewed up immediately. the govt is likely totally lost to corruption

mind you the vdv and lapin's guard's armored division were deployed according to internal sources with no idea they were invading a country

lapin who turned around at the border to get medals pinned to his chest while his men got vaporized

Did not read

wasn't even looking for this: was just on my russian propaganda twitter page.

Whats ur @ ill folllow you

I meant the stuff Osiris is saying. State reps are idiots

Anyone that wants to be a politician is insane. Especially when you consider your coworkers are all insane

Normal guy - sure i could run for congress but everyone i would work with would not be a normal person

no you're just hypersensititive

Im actually not sensitive at all

politicians are mostly egomaniacs corrupted by years of processes but not all

on the contrary you pretend to be numb

went to a tech meetup - it was just autistic people and midwits


Just work in a restaurant - its mostly normal people who just want to have sex

Best place to be .