10k behavior score, horrendous game quality.

Honestly? I don't know what is going on anymore. Every single game there's something afoot. First game of the day? enemy smurf destroys us all. Next game? our mid disconnects and never comes back. The game after that? our position 5 runs down mid. It's getting progressively more frustrating as all I see is my win rate plummet because of things beyond my control. I still try my best anyway, against a smurf, playing 4 vs. 5, playing with a feeder, but I guess I'm not good enough to win in those situations yet. Saddest part is that the few games when none of those things happen, our team wins handedly. It's really not fun, not fun at all. Having this happening multiple games in a row, even when the worst thing I ever do is sometimes mildly (and I really mean mildly) taunt the enemy team in chat, feels like underserved punishment. It makes me question if having good behavior score actually does something or if it's there just as a placebo of sorts. I do report the bad actors in these situations but reports are not infinite and I never get them back, nor I get a notification that some feeder was punished. It's really taking away my enjoyment and my desire to play this game more and more each time it happens. Is there something more I could do?

Dont play dota.

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I think reposting reddit content is good and healthy for site activity as it promotes interesting discussion.



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I try to be 10k. My understanding the higher up people are the more toxic it gets. I mean im stuck at 900 mmr turbo. I just cant do ranked because people are ■■■■■■■■■ My dota iq is super high just my mechanics suck and people are absolutely ■■■■■■■■■

What's your favorite subreddit no one else here has heard about?

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if you're shy i'll go first @Vanilla_Town give it a look when you got some time!



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