11 PM Mafia

im gonna say he hasnt changed it but thats only 80% certainty

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@mafiabot vote @_jdance


LuckyArtist has dropped the hammer on jdance

Vote Count

Lynch Votes Voters
jdance 6 bazingaboy, ian, insom, LuckyArtist, kat, Gamut
luckyartist 2 SOPHIE, KrazyKat
kyle 2 jdance, kyle
bazingaboy 1 Nyte

Not Voting

Alive Players - 11

Majority Vote - 6


yea he was hammered anyways

Pretending(?) to be a hyena, jdance was accosted sniffing the chicken wing bones in my garbage can and dragged to a makeshift noose on a tree near my deck. He was summarily dispatched and one less squatter remains. @_jdance was the Red Mafia Goon , obviously a hyena would be out in the garage good work guys! I made some nachos to celebrate you're all welcome to some as long as you're house trained unlike the hyena.

jdance's defense of himself dramatized

Day starts at noon tomorrow or maybe tonight if all the night actions come in and i deem it


@mafiabot kill jdance

@mafiabot endday

@mafiabot commands

@mafiabot slist

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