2024 Presidential Election

You won't even say ■■■■■■.

Fuck Osiris LMAO get outta here wit that shit

it's your fault. your pc can't run a game a stock 2006 dell windows xp with integrated graphics could

At least I don't SUCK at it like you

Dems were definitely defrauding America by changing the election

Remember when trump was winning in key states and then at 1 in the morning millions of votes got dumped and flipped the election so everyone woke up to trump losing

the coalition of cope

Remember when Trump was winning and then they counted all the votes and he wasn't anymore. FRAUD ALERT!

If you can't show fraudulent votes then any claim of voter fraud sounds like severe cope. IMO if you think voter fraud is so rampant and easy in the US, and you also claim to really give a shit about these political issues, then you are a little bitch for not doing the fraud yourself. Go do it then. Go voter fraud your way to the MAGA dream.

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Also see: Twitter files for FBI clearly biased towards a Biden win

Recent leaks about FBI ignoring Ukrainian whistleblowers admitting he was bribing Biden

Other shit I’m missing

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Your response “hurr durr commit election fraud then pussy”

Sorry bro I’m not the FBI and an entire political entity solely focused on making trump lose

You don’t actually care about any of these things though because you’re biased and convinced anything about irregularities regarding the 2020 election is “misinformation” remember the other thing that happened back in 2020 that looking back might have been an overreaction? Remember how you were so convinced anything being said critical of the response to Covid-19 was also “misinformation”

It’s just funny. You’re probably the type of person to call the referendums in Crimea and eastern Ukraine as completely fake too, which they were, with no evidence of any fake votes, but not also realize the 2020 election was completely fake as well

I'll read about whatever is on that site

LMAO yns did you even click around this site? It cites youtube videos of people just claiming fraud.

And I dont care about biden being shady go ahead and lock him up if it comes to it. Election was still legitimate.

Yns is a 0-level thinker. He literally just believes the first thing he sees offered up to him in his "epic pursuit of the truth".

Incapable of critical thought or any sort of reasoning, he does not stop for a second to think about "the sources" of things that happen to coincide with his redditor opinions.

This was funny had to revisit.

Srry it wasn’t as wide spread of a thing prior to 2020 and I was misinformed thinking you had to have a legit reason to vote by mail

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